This is what most candles look like after they've been poured. See how much wick remains? Normally you would just trim it down, put the lid on and you are done. Right? But then what do you do with your left over wick? We will now show you exactly what to do. It is very easy and only takes a few minutes. What you will need:
- A pair of pliers
- Your left over wick
- A Wick tab
Hello, I have candles that are approx. 2 inches in size, round and have a copper wick tab in the shape of a long strip pulled together and prongs at the end. Have you ever heard of such a wick tab? <br/><br/> <strong>CierraCandles Admin</strong>: We've seen aluminum tabs that sort of fit this description, but not copper. I would be concerned the copper might react with some fragrances, or oxide and leave streaking in the candle. Not sure though, none of us have seen these, very sorry!